The Enemy Within
 author: Sonny René Stermole
Chapter 5
The Great Work - Whose Re-Incarnation ?
-- The Quest --

Both men and women who seek more "light" in Masonry and Co-Masonry engage in a "quest." It is so described by Masonic leaders. It is not a quest which leads one to Jesus Christ. It is a quest in which dangerous deceptions are encountered. It leads one away from Jesus Christ, the Life-giver, and into the hands of disincarnate entities who are in a "quest" for "fleshly gloves." Yet the legitimate interest which human beings have for life without end, as our Creator originally intended and as He provided a restoration thereof through the ransoming power of Jesus Christ's earthly sacrifice, that legitimate interest is distorted by Lucifer now as in the Garden of Eden into a "quest" for godhood under his, Lucifer's, auspices or priesthood.

The exposé by former 33rd degree Mason, Jim Shaw, with respect to the ceremony of American Masonry of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, that is, the exposé of a "strange black mass" in which participants play the part of Satan in acting out snuffing out the life of Jesus Christ, foreshadows a horrible stage of corruption which awaits those who wish to rise "higher" in seeking Masonic "light." Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree Mason, presented and promoted the Masonic "quest" allegorically with the story of a man by the name of Aradamas. The eventual "light" which Aradamas would find, is, according to Masonic doctrine, that of Lucifer. Notice how Hall's description of the "quest" fits, metaphorically, the path of corruption by means of the oaths of Freemasonry, by means of the unholy rites, by means of the path of spiritual darkness.

Manly P. Hall epitomized the path of Freemasonry.

{The allegory continues}

... then with slow measured step he {the initiate} resumed his search for some ray of light, finding always darkness deeper than before.
p. 82 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976.

Darkness always deeper than before. The path of Freemasonry. The "light" which awaits at the end is the counterfeit light of Lucifer, for whom Pike as the Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer celebrated Satan as the Prime Minister and described Satan as Lucifer's "Force." Schnoebelen described that "light" as a "scalding hot fog." From there a person can move on to becoming a fleshly glove in a demonic hand. A preponderant deception, a deadly deception, the seeking of Masonic "light."

The structure of secrecy has served Freemasonry very well. The process of corruption, step by step, degree by degree, would have been unquestionably more difficult to achieve without levels of secrecy and deception.

Pike explained how Masonry operates.

"Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled..."
p. 104 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

The first three degrees of Freemasonry are called the "Blue Degrees."

"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them, but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry."
p. 819 Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike

Masons who are surprised to learn of the core teachings of Freemasonry have been diverted by "false interpretation and misinterpretation", "intentionally misled by false interpretations."

The rituals conceal hidden meanings "reserved for the Adepts".

The initiated brother realizes that his so-called symbols and rituals are merely blinds
p. 13
fabricated by the wise to perpetuate ideas incomprehensible to the average individual. He also realizes that few Masons of today know or appreciate the mystic meaning concealed within these rituals.
p. 14 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall, 1923

Having one's "brain-mind" permeated with Lucifer's consciousness does, indeed, fall into the "incomprehensible to the average individual" category, and rightly so.

Yet those Masons who are not among the mystical "elect" nevertheless comprise a significant power base through which the machinery of Masonry operates to achieve it's goals, whether political, social, religious or otherwise.

Masonry, ruled by the Super Rite in which Lucifer or other demon spirit entities "flood" the initiate's consciousness, demonstrates direct influence and control by Lucifer, the god of Masonry, over the Masonic organization and machinery. If a judge in an American court does not belong to the Illuminati, he can, nevertheless, be very useful to the Masonic "machinery" having taken the Royal Arch Degree oath in which he has sworn to obstruct or pervert justice, if need be. If a judge, as a 33rd degree Mason, has sworn his highest allegiance to the Supreme Council, he is no less useful. The Masonic Machine functions such that both Palladian Luciferians and those who are not, act in concert.

-- Machinery in Motion --


" This super-rite, which is masonic luciferian spiritism, must not be confused with the machinery of high masonry. ... High masonry is a supreme administration involving an organization much more highly developed than Palladism whose secret leaders, some of whom are not luciferian, act in concert and accept a superior central authority in order that their work may be the more effective."
{quoted from Gataille, vol. I, p. 346.}

Occult Theocrasy,

Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933

Thus, even 33rd degree Masons who are not engaged in Palladian luciferian practices act in concert with those who dominate over Freemasonry through that diabolical Rite.

The "operative" masons of midevil Europe built and subverted towering cathedrals with silent subversion. The "speculative" Masonry which spread from England provided a well-oiled machine or vehicle for revolution for the Illuminati's "ultimate secret society" to rule the world by a "New Hierarchy." Guidance by "Secret Orders of initiates" of pagan mystery religion has been shaping not only their immediate domain of secret societies, but has been steering a monstrous Plan which ultimately has every individual at "ground zero" of the conspiracy. The third stage into which Masonry is classified is that which 33rd degree Mason Foster Bailey reveals as "spiritual masonry," put to writing in 1957 in his book, The Spirit of Masonry. Having in mind the horrifying "spirituality" or "masonic luciferian spiritism" which rules Freemasonry at the highest levels, one has more than a clue as to the substance of what the third general phase, or "spiritual masonry" involves.

The adepts came to be regarded as wonderfully enlightened persons, like the patriarchs of old. They formed a Grand Lodge, a secret Fraternity of illuminated Master Builders. Craft Masonry did not satisfy completely the aspirations of the earnest human soul. The rites and rituals were but the symbols of sublime truths guarded by Secret Orders of initiates. This has been referred to as the romantic period of Freemasonry.
p. 6 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976
Masonry, therefore, can be expected at this time to reveal more clearly its secrets, and to take those forms which will finally elucidate its true meaning.
p. 33 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

The evident import of Foster Bailey's statement is that more Masons could be expected to participate in Masonry's "esoteric arts" and not remain simply in the "outer machinery" functions. The expansion of the "esoteric arts" among Masons is part of the Plan.

That the future Spiritual Masonry will recognise the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Planet is inevitable. ...
The fact of the existence of this Hierarchy and the conscious relation to it will be an accepted hypothesis in the Masonic fraternity in the days to come, but it should not become a Masonic dogma.
p. 137 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

The "Spiritual Hierarchy" which rules over the "secret leaders" and organizational bodies to which Masonry pledges it's allegiance is acknowledged to be headed by Lucifer, yet, as Masonry reveals "more clearly its secrets," that which is not at first expounded as hard and fast "dogma" to the membership in general becomes more easily assimilated when presented as "hypothesis."

The "forms" masonry are expected to take evidently pertain to the expansion of the practices long concealed in the inner mysteries.

When however the Mysteries are restored, and Masonry resumes its true function, the G.M. will also resume his ancient prerogatives, for he will be chosen for his initiate rank, and that involves initiate knowledge. He will be restored to his ancient status, and his right to authority will be recognised.
p. 79 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

Furthermore, if the "conscious relation" to the "Spiritual Hierarchy" becomes an accepted hypotheses in general, any doubts as to said "conscious relation" to it face being set aside by real spiritistic initiation. The entire body of nominal Masons is targeted for absorption into spiritistic initiation, whereas those having the highest level of initiation are presented as having a "right to authority" which would be widely recognized "when ... the Mysteries are restored, and Masonry resumes its true function".

Although many Masons enjoy fellowship at local lodges, 33º Foster Bailey and Manly P. Hall clarify that the purpose of Freemasonry, in substance, is not the social club which some have construed it to be.

Masonry is not a social club.
p. 130 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

One could already have gathered that from the criminal oaths. Yet, the inspirational source, behind the inimical oaths is described by 33rd degree Masonic scholar Manly P. Hall as molding the destiny of those who of their free will "take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity." That molding force is keenly associated with the criminal "obligations" of the "Fraternity."

He {the Mason} ... must cease to consider Freemasonry solely as a social order only a few centuries old. He must realize that the ancient mystic teachings as perpetuated in the modern rites are sacred, and that powers unseen and unrecognized mold the destiny of those who consciously and of their own free will take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity.
p. 11 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Now, who do you suppose they are, the "powers unseen and unrecognized" who "mold the destiny of those who consciously and of their own free will take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity" ?

Which "unseen" powers are those who are associated with Lucifer as god and which declare to employ Satan as his "force" ?

When a Mason takes the Royal Arch oath or "obligation" to subvert and pervert justice, he is swearing to act in concert with Masonry's highest authority, whose corrupt ethics are inherent in the oaths.

Does anyone believe that the "All-Seeing-Eye" upon the Mason to whom Manly Hall claims the Mason is exclusively accountable, is someone other than Lucifer ?


The Mason believes in the Great Architect, the living keystone of creation's plan, the Master of all Lodges, without whose spirit there is no work. Let him never forget that the Master is near. Day and night let him feel the presence of the Supreme or Overshadowing One. The All-Seeing Eye is upon him. Day and night this great Orb measures his depths, seeing into his innermost soul of souls, judging his life, reading his thoughts, measuring his aspirations, and rewarding his sincerity. To this All-Seeing One he is accountable; to none other must he account. This Spirit passes with him out of the Lodge and measures the Mason in the world.

p. 62 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

The "All-Seeing-Eye" is also used in Masonry to symbolize illumination by Lucifer, Lucifer's "eye" through which humans see psychically as a "co-consciousness" with Lucifer unfolds with it's gradual "opening". The depiction stems from the Egyptian "Eye of Horus." Freemasonry represents Egyptian Mystery Religion, not only in practice, but in symbolism as well.

The "powers unseen" which "mold the destiny" of Masons externalize their agenda through initiates and through Masonry's machinery.

Masonry, it's machinery, it's members, serve the purposes of the "Spiritual Hierarchy" operating through the organization's leaders. The agenda: the externalization of the Hierarchy.

Little as it may be realised by the unthinking Mason who is interested only in the outer aspects of the Craft work, the whole fabric of Masonry may be regarded as an externalisation of that inner spiritual group whose members, down the ages, have been the Custodians of the Plan, and as Those to Whom has been committed the working out of the will of God for the race of men. These Master Masons, to whom T.G.A.O.T.U. has given the design and Who are familiar with the tracing board of the G.M. on high, are called by many names and are known at different times by various appellation.
p. 20


They are therefore sometimes known as the Illuminati and can direct the searchlight of truth wherever its beams are needed to guide the pilgrim on his way. They are the Rishis of the oriental philosophy, the Builders of the occult tradition ... They are the bestowers of the privileges and benefits of initiation, and They prepare the candidate for those great revelations and expansions of consciousness which are the reward of all who persevere in the quest ...
They assist at the unfolding of the consciousness of the candidate until the time comes when he can 'enter into light' and, in his turn become a light-bearer, one of the Illuminati who can assist the Lodge on High in bringing humanity to light.
The rites, ceremonies and initiations of Masonry may be regarded (and are so regarded by many) as being faint representations and symbolic rehearsals of those major spiritual initiations through which every human being must pass before achieving his goal of manifested divinity and can enter finally within the veil ...
p. 21 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

Lucifer is the so-called "lightbringer" in Masonry, in the occult; it is Lucifer's consciousness which expands into the candidate through spiritistic illumination.

The "unseen powers" who "mold the destiny" of said Masons externalize their hierarchy or rulership, not alone through the "machinery" of Freemasonry, but particularly through individual members initiated into an "expansion of consciousness" which comprises the degree by degree opening of the "psychic eye" and "co-consciousness" with and "illumination" by Lucifer. Those Master Masons which represent the "externalization of the hierarchy" and who impart "illumination" initiation are referred to by Manly P. Hall as belonging to those sometimes known as "Illuminati." Thus Adam Weishaupt's "infiltration" of Freemasonry at the level of the lower three degrees and the objectives of the work of "Pontiff" Pike in rewriting the Masonic degrees to better conform to Illuminist principles, have been "successfully" carried out into the middle and late 1900's.

Although not all high ranking Masons have been involved in the depths of Lucifer worship, Adam Weishaupt's plan welcomes their support.

There was more to Weishaupt's scheming and development of the Illuminati plot than most Masons have traditionally realized. The Illuminati would not only use the first three degrees of Freemasonry at the outset as a vehicle for the ultimate Plan, but an expansion of the Plan would involve the lower levels in ways which uninitiated membership even at higher levels have probably been unaware of .


"The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation.
None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Free Masonry;
the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Free Masonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in our hands.
p. 112 Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, A.M., 1798
-- Another Powerful Engine for Change --


Not only would the press, an embodiment of "the form of a learned or literary society," serve as a "powerful engine in ... {their} hands," but the lower three degrees would ultimately serve as a powerful engine for change as well.

It is at that level of the occult conspiracy, the first three degrees of Freemasonry, that Masonic authorities clarify the potentials of those first three degrees known as the Blue Lodge. The explanations also clarify that although all Masons are to some degree or another compromised, there is a significant difference between Masons who are true initiates and those who are what might be described as nominal members who nevertheless comprise a substantial part of the power-base of the Masonic organization.

The noted Masonic authority, Manly Palmer Hall refers to the "expression of the Fellow Craft power," wherein the Fellow Craft is the second degree. Hall elucidated so-called "Spiritual Masonry."

When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy.
Incessant vigilance over thought, action, and desire is indispensable to those who wish to make progress in the unfolding of their own being, and the Fellow Craft's degree is the degree of transmutation.
p. 48
The keywords of the Fellow Craft may be briefly defined as compassion, poise, and transmutation.
p. 49 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

The "application of" ... "the seething energies of Lucifer" represents the real essence of the "mystery of the Craft."

"The Fellow Craft degree is the degree of transmutation." The "unfolding of "their own being," however, represents the unfolding of a "co-consciousness" with Lucifer, the "unfolding" of another being.

The expression "unfolding their own being" embodies one of the "false interpretations" by which Masons are sucked deeper into the diabolical deception.

Recall Schnoebelen's description of the way Lucifer looks at humans wherein Lucifer's ""illuminated beings" regard humans the way we regard cattle," as Manly Hall describes the "transmutation" of the Mason :

But all of these expressions of the human heart must become transmuted into the emotionless compassion of the gods ...
p. 50 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Egyptian mystery religion "gods." Luciferian spirits.


4. The transmutation of personal affection into impersonal compassion shows that the Fellow Craftsman truly understands his duties and is living in a manner worthy of his order.
p. 51 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

"... emotionless compassion," "impersonal compassion," euphemistic expressions for changes in the second degree of the Fellow Craft. The "application of" ... "the seething energies of Lucifer" more than hints at the nature of the euphemism. The nature of the "transmutation" under the auspices of Lucifer involves, according to testimonial evidence, the Lucifer-consciousness. W. L. Wilmshurst, 33rd degree, uses virtually identical language to that of Schnoebelen, describing a flooding "illumination" by the source of Masonic "light" at higher levels of "illumination."

If it is to "contemplate its own intellectual faculties and trace them from their development" until they are found to "lead to the throne of God Himself" and to be rooted in Deity ... and be prepared to receive humbly the illumination that will flood into it from the Light of Divine Wisdom.
p. 122 The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst

Egyptian mystery religion "wisdom" was passed on to the Templars is rooted in corruption, spiritualistically as well as morally.

There remains no question as to whose "being" is being "unfolded." The gods which the Bible identifies as being worshipped by the world in general is Satan, or Lucifer, and the demons. It is that "deity," or god, whose plan involves "preparing" persons to "receive" spiritualistic "illumination."

Having a person "contemplate it's own intellectual faculties and trace them from their development" is in the occult often assisted with the use of drugs, such as marijuana, and in the 60's counter-culture revolution was known as "checking yourself out," or "checking out your mind." And that is what the process of spiritistic "illumination" using drugs represents. Checking yourself "out" and "checking in" another being, partially or completely.

A transformation of character is all too often the result of the impact of "drugs." Spiritistic illumination, facilitated by "drugs" or achieved through other methods involves the transformation of the individual.

Schnoebelen relates the experience that the brain is "flooded" by the consciousness of Lucifer. Wilmshurst confirms what "illumination" is but ennobles the process and refers to the illuminating agent as "the Spiritual Principle." However, Wilmshurst later explains more as to the identity of said "Spiritual Principle," speaking not of only of illumination by the ... Light" but of "identification with it," "transcending all sense of personal individualization" and being "co-conscious" with "all in the Being of Deity," "the summit of the Mason's profession."

And, masonically, the "sun" stands for the illuminated human intelligence and understanding, which results from the material brain-mind being thoroughly permeated and enlightened by the Spiritual Principle ...
p. 103 The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst

{the Royal Arch degree}

It is not merely one of illumination by the Supernal Light. It is one of identification with It.
p. 154


It is also spoken of as universal or cosmic consciousness, since the percipient, transcending all sense of personal individualization, time and space, is co-conscious with all that is. He has entered the bliss ..
perceiving the unity of all in the Being of Deity, and which at the outset of his progress he was told was the summit of the Mason's profession.
p. 155 The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst

Wilmshurst characterizes the process of illumination, which is the process of developing co-consciousness and the process by which a human transcends or becomes gradually divorced from his own personal "individualization." The "cosmic consciousness" is also symbolized by the torch blazing between the horns of the diabolical Baphomet representation of Lucifer, as already noted. "Cosmic consciousness" is "Lucifer-consciousness," Lucifer expanding his consciousness on the "physical plane."

-- Incarnating Lucifer's angels - the Great Work --


The "summit of the Mason's profession" is total "illumination," having one's "brain-mind thoroughly permeated" by Lucifer, "transcending personal individualization".

Behind the degree of Master Mason, there
p. 59
is another not known to earth. Far above him stretch other steps concealed by the blue veil which divides the seen from the unseen. The true Brother knows this, therefore he works with an end in view far above the concept of mortal mind. He seeks to be worthy to pass behind that veil and join that band who, unhonored and unsung, carry the responsibilities of human growth. ...
... he climbs the steps and ... passes on behind the veil. It is then, and then only, that a true Mason is born. Only behind this veil does the mystic student come into his own. ...
to be an active worker in the name of the Great Architect. It is there alone, unseen by mortal eyes, that the Greater Degrees are given and
p. 60
there the soul radiating the light of Spirit becomes a living star in the blue canopy of the Masonic lodge.
p. 61 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Hall gets to the core principle where a Mason becomes "an active worker," in the name of Masonry's Great Architect, Lucifer, not only applying "seething energies of Lucifer" but passing "behind the veil". The "summit" of the Mason's "profession" is reached where personal individualization is transcended and "eclipsed" (Schnoebelen) by the "illuminating" entity.

In the three degrees of the Blue Lodge we have an accurate picture of the progress of the human soul, from the time that that soul appears in human form until the time when the great work is accomplished and the candidate for illumination and the worker in the Temple of the Lord ends his career as a risen Master.
p. 14 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

When the stage is reached in which the human candidate has been progressively spiritistically "illuminated" until a "permeation" of the "brain-mind" by an intrusive spirit (or spirits) is achieved, which being "unfolds" it's own consciousness within the human, who really is it that is "risen" in the body of the "candidate" ? It is then that the "great work" is accomplished.

Manly P. Hall makes it unequivocally clear that the mind of the candidate must be destroyed. He reveals in Lectures on Ancient Philosophy that it is not the mind of the candidate which is unfolded; the mind of the candidate is sloughed off, it is left behind as useless.

{Chapter: Illuminated Mind, the Universal Savior}

In the secret teachings it is written that mind itself is the Savior-God. ... Mind must destroy itself that that which is greater than mind may endure. According to the Mysteries, there comes that time in the quest of consciousness when man discovers the mind to be the slayer of the Real. Then as he sloughs off his evil nature, he must slough off his mind that his consciousness may be disentangled from the infinite complex of the mental web. The mind is incapable of ascending to the state of consciousness. The mind can never completely annihilate the sense of separateness, for it depends upon comparison for its function and differentiation for its very existence. Consequently, though the mind is ever the link between consciousness and unconsciousness, it too must be ultimately sacrificed in order that the Great Work be accomplished. By the death of the mind consciousness is released to complete perfection, but woe unto him who slays the mind without that understanding which must be given out of the Mysteries.
The mind must not die until its own work has been completed and its function has reached the highest possible degree of perfection. ...
p. 65
The mind is a bridge connecting consciousness and unconsciousness, but having crossed the bridge, it is left behind, its usefulness past. As a bridge, however, the mind is a vital necessity, and he who depreciates it is as false as he who permits himself to become the servant of its whims.
p. 66

Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals

Manly P. Hall, 1984

{relate to occult redemption, the dismantling of the human identity, and demon incarnation, and the destruction or replacement of the human mind}

With the "death of the mind," who becomes the "risen Master" "permeating the brain-mind" with "cosmic consciousness" ? It is then that Lucifer or an associated spirit has fulfilled its "quest" for a "human glove."

The "work of the mind" which Hall refers to pertains to the participation of the Mason, the witch, the New Age disciple, in actively engaging in "illumination" ritual or practices. It is described as a "quest." The description implies culpability pertaining to the participatory process or use of the human mind in engaging in the "great work" of "transmutation," of having Luciferian entities develop their consciousness in the human form as a replacement for the human mind. The human mind is referred to as "a bridge" through which the activity of "the great work," of incarnating Luciferian entities is accomplished through human participation.

The "death of the mind" of the human is an objective of the "great work" while Lucifer's, the Devil's, angels engage in a quest for incarnation on the physical plane. The Mysteries, so secretly perpetuated, involve the principle that "the mind" "must be ultimately sacrificed in order that the Great Work be accomplished." Hall speaks of "the mind" as "left behind, its usefulness past" when the "great work" in an individual is accomplished. The co-operative work of transforming one's brain for other entities to use becomes the "summit of the Mason's profession", it consummates a Mason's "career as a risen Master".

The "true Mason is born" by means of the process of Lucifer-associated spirit incarnation in his or her flesh. The process begins with the candidate in the "human form" and the process of illumination ends with a "risen Master," the incarnation of the disincarnate Lucifer-associated spirit "permeating the brain-mind" of the human body, resulting in the "Master" discarnate demon "rising" in the flesh, or as some would put it, on the physical plane. The substance of Masonry's re-incarnation is that the gradual, step by step, degree by degree take-over of a person by Lucifer-associated entities or spirits incarnates the demon-spirit in the flesh of the human, and it is the demon-spirit which lives on when the human's subverted body is no longer capable of being sustained. Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree, had a very interesting comment in this regard, as to what happens when the human organism dies which has been thoroughly "transmuted" or taken over.

The universe is divided into planes and these planes are divided from each other by the rates of vibration which pass through them. As the spiritual consciousness progresses through the chain, the lower lose connection with it when it has raised itself above their level, until finally only the
p. 35
Grand Masters are capable of remaining in session, and unknown even to the Master Mason it finally passes back again to the spiritual hierarchy from which it came.
p. 36 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

The "spiritual consciousness" of human beings which belongs to themselves is gradually supplanted or replaced with the consciousness of the incarnating spirit associated with Lucifer; the "lower lose connection with it." Then, when the body dies the consciousness of the possessing demon "passes back again to the spiritual hierarchy from which it came." Hall explained that what really takes place is unknown evidently even to the "Master Mason," but only to the "Grand Masters." The Luciferian spirit which lives on fits the description of the "Grand Master" ("only") "remaining in session." The Master Mason believes in an immortality which is counterfeit. The invading spirit which drives the "brain-mind" evidently imparts those thoughts which it wishes to the human vehicle and a process of co-option follows. The human serves as a "host" to a discarnate demon entity which survives the death of the host human body. Hall thus speaks of "Grand Masters" of "remaining in session," and the body of information available from Albert Pike, Manly P. Hall, Foster Bailey, William Schnoebelen and others enables the deception of Masonic "godhood" to be unraveled. Masonic immortality is a counterfeit immortality, and the human jeopardizes himself not only by corruption, but jeopardizes his or her otherwise real prospects of everlasting life available through the resurrection by Jesus Christ.

Quite literally, "the whole fabric of Masonry may be regarded as an externalisation of that inner spiritual group whose members, down the ages, have been the Custodians of the Plan ..." [The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957, p. 20]

It is the "externalisation of that inner spiritual group" of Luciferian spirits which illumination initiate Master Masons to produce Illuminati, whereas the term Grand Master, "G.M.", is in this discussion not a reference to a Masonic title which is awarded, but a designation of a being beyond the physical body of the initiate Master Mason which is transmuted into an Illuminati.

Little as it may be realised by the unthinking Mason who is interested only in the outer aspects of the Craft work, the whole fabric of Masonry may be regarded as an externalisation of that inner spiritual group whose members, down the ages, have been the Custodians of the Plan, and as Those to Whom has been committed the working out of the will of God for the race of men. These Master Masons, to whom T.G.A.O.T.U. has given the design and Who are familiar with the tracing board of the G.M. on high, are called by many names and are known at different times by various appellation.
p. 20


They are therefore sometimes known as the Illuminati and can direct the searchlight of truth wherever its beams are needed to guide the pilgrim on his way. They are the Rishis of the oriental philosophy, the Builders of the occult tradition ... They are the bestowers of the privileges and benefits of initiation, and They prepare the candidate for those great revelations and expansions of consciousness which are the reward of all who persevere in the quest ...
They assist at the unfolding of the consciousness of the candidate until the time comes when he can 'enter into light' and, in his turn become a light-bearer, one of the Illuminati who can assist the Lodge on High in bringing humanity to light.
The rites, ceremonies and initiations of Masonry may be regarded (and are so regarded by many) as being faint representations and symbolic rehearsals of those major spiritual initiations through which every human being must pass before achieving his goal of manifested divinity and can enter finally within the veil ...
p. 21 The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey, 1957

It is not only a political, religious and corrupt social agenda which is externalized. The discarnate spirits are physically "externalized" and are able thus to use human hosts to directly carry out their "Plan" while operating with the use of human bodies in political, religious and civic organizations. The "Machine" of Masonry facilitates the overall "Plan," a machine which is presided over, controlled and guided at the highest (and lower three degree) levels by the Illuminati.

What appears to be far more sinister than the conventional "possession" of a person by a demon spirit is the Masonic gradualism involved in the transformation and imprinting of the human brain by the transforming force of the demon, and a further transmutation of the person by means of a step by step development of "co-consciousness" with the Luciferian spirit and potential take-over. This appears to differ significantly from cases where, for example, a person might be victimized by demon possession and later return to consciousness while lacking recollection of what took place. Thus, the "evolution" which spirit guides facilitate through humans by "opening" the "psychic eye," whether in association with the Masonic Lodges or other association, represents the sinister process of corrupting the individual with consciousness of Lucifer-associated spirits. The co-operative process of using one's own mind to further the process as a "bridge" is how Hall referred to it.

New Age leader and wife of Foster Bailey, 33rd degree, elaborated on the psychic or esoteric sense, and it's use even in initiates of lesser degree in whom the "psychic eye" begins to open.

The active use of the esoteric sense in the occult training offered to aspirants, disciples and initiates of lesser degree produces certain changes within the brain, with corresponding changes within the buddhic vehicle; these changes enable one at will (after the third Initiation of Transfiguration) to contact the Being, Life, or the monadic POINT of contact with Whom he will be increasingly affiliated, or the Member of the Hierarchy Whom he may desire to consult.
p. 72 Telepathy, Alice A. Bailey, 1950
The expansion of consciousness called initiation must include the physical brain or it is of no value.
p. 102 Initiation Human and Solar, Alice Bailey, 1922

Examining the scope of teachings of high ranking Masonic leaders, as well as the exposés of former members, it becomes quite evident that what the work of Masonry really represents in opening of the "psychic eye" is the step by step development of co-consciousness with Lucifer or by one or more of his representatives. Thus, when a person follows a progression which leads to becoming a "fleshly glove" of a demonic being, the disincarnate spirit becomes incarnate in the human body. A horrifying "spirituality," indeed.

-- Hierarchical Impression --


The use of psychic powers even in "initiates of lesser degree" which result in "changes in the brain" and the operation of the "point of contact with Lucifer-consciousness" clarifies the term "transmutation." The "impression" of thoughts, by disincarnate Luciferian entities, mental impression related to "permeating the brain-mind" by various degrees or steps in the opening of the psychic eye, is elaborated upon by Alice Bailey.

Where the disciple is concerned, release from the constant consideration of personal circumstances and problems leads inevitably to a clear mental release; this then provides those areas of free mental perception which make the higher sensitivity possible.
Later, he becomes sensitive to impression from the Hierarchy. This is at first purely ashramic, but is later transformed into total hierarchical impression by the time the disciple is a Master; the Plan is then the dynamic substance providing the content of the reservoir of thought upon which he can draw.
p. 94 Telepathy, Alice A. Bailey, 1950
As the disciple begins to demonstrate soul quality, and the second divine aspect takes possession of him and controls and colours his entire life, automatically the higher sensitivity is developed; he becomes a magnet for spiritual ideas and concepts; he attracts into his field of consciousness the outline, and later the details, of the hierarchical Plan; ...
p. 95 Telepathy, Alice A. Bailey, 1950

"Impression from the Hierarchy" ... "later transformed into total hierarchical impression by the time the disciple is a Master." Among what things then "possess" the "person" ? "the Plan is then the ... substance providing the content ... of thought ..." The human "guided by the 'gods' or disincarnate superintendents" toward "godhood" becomes subject to "evolution" toward so-called "godhood," and the "disincarnate" "gods" become incarnated in the human body.

... a "Golden Age," ... but in virtue of which men were once in conscious conversation with the unseen world and were shepherded, taught and guided by the "gods" or discarnate superintendents of the infant race, who imparted to them the sure and indefeasible principles upon which their spiritual welfare and evolution depended.
p. 173 The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst

Wilmshurst describes the "Golden Age" which the New Age movement and Masonry seek to restore as involving guidance by "discarnate superintendents" and further refers to the "evolution" of the "infant race." The "discarnate" "gods" of the so-called "Golden Age" of the past are in a quest for incarnation.

Thus, it is that Lucifer symbolized by the goat god, or Baphomet, "grants his disciples spiritual illumination through incarnation on the physical plane." Lucifer virtually incarnates on the physical plane by "permeating the brain-mind" of the human subject and obtains "co-consciousness" or even uses the human body as a "fleshly glove."

In Levi's illustration Baphomet is a goat-headed figure with androgynous features who sits on a cube. A torch blazes between the goat's horns which represents cosmic intelligence and spiritual illumination. In occult tradition Lucifer - who is regarded by the Church as the Devil - is called the lightbringer because he grants his disciples spiritual illumination through incarnation on the physical plane.
p. 38 The Occult Conspiracy:

Secret Societies --- Their Influence and Power in World History,

Michael Howard, 1989

It is quite significant that Lucifer in the occult tradition is acknowledged as identified with the spirit entity which the Bible calls "the Devil." It is also significant that the depiction of Lucifer, or the Devil, as a "horned god" is based on occult, mystery religion, having roots in the Egyptian goat god, the Goat of Mendes. The "illumination" of a human's brain, spiritistically, by Lucifer, or the Devil, is referred to as being granted to "his disciples" "through incarnation on the physical plane." Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree, also refers to the incarnation of gods becoming flesh in mortal bodies. Hall presents the subject illustratively.

Whenever through self-unfoldment an individual attains to the state of consciousness symbolized by a certain god, then that god is declared to be incarnate in that personality and to
p. 100
actually walk the earth. Thus the god of joy is incarnate in the joyful man, the god of mercy in the merciful, the god of truth in the truthful, and the god of war in those who fight. Being divine attributes, the gods thus become flesh in those mortal creatures who have unfolded and given expression within themselves to those godlike attributes.
p. 101 Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction To Practical Ideals

Manly P. Hall, 1984


The Masonic transformations of an individual unfold attributes of impressing Luciferian spirit entities even when the subject is not in an actual state of "illumination" or immediate "incarnation on the physical plane" by the "illuminating" Luciferian spirit entity. Appropriately Jesus charged evil opponents "You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do ...." -- John 8:44, NKJV. Transformation and corruption under the auspices of Lucifer, the Devil, is what Masonry and the New Age movement offer. As Paul wrote, "... For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light." -- 2 Corinthians 11: 14, NJKV Lucifer is depicted by his worshipers as the "Lightbringer." It is a false light.

The "self-unfoldment" is a clever expression, but the process of spiritistic "illumination," of having the "brain-mind" permeated and "flooded" by thoughts of a Luciferian entity represents a process of self-dismantling, whereas the Luciferian "gods" obtain some measure of "incarnation on the physical plane" or in a manner of speaking "the gods thus become flesh in those mortal creatures." Hall attempts to illustrate the idea by referring to "the god of ...." Yet, the principle of incarnating New Age, Luciferian "gods" in the flesh in some measure remains expressed. Thus, in the New Age movement, human beings speak of themselves as "gods" or even as "God." The "cosmic intelligence" which Howard refers to in connection with occultist Eliphas Levi's depiction of Baphomet represents spiritistic illumination by Lucifer, further identified as the Devil.

Manly P. Hall praises the ancient magic which illuminates the brain-mind with "cosmic consciousness." It is the same expression which Whilmshurst employed.

In the ancient religions, there was a kind of wonderful divine magic, the magic of illumination,
p. 91
the magic ... by which man seemed able at times to come into the presence of his God, to stand in the transcendency of the divine principle, to enjoy or to participate in a wonderful experience sometimes called cosmic consciousness.
p. 92 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:

A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects,

Manly P. Hall, 1990

The term "cosmic intelligence" or "cosmic consciousness" is the consciousness of Lucifer entities "illuminating," "flooding," "permeating," the human brain.

The Masonic philosophy that "man is a god in the making" translates to the Hierarchical objective that the body of man or woman is the object of a god in the incarnating.

Man is a god in the making, and as in the mystic myths of Egypt, on the potter's wheel he is being molded. When his light shines out to lift and preserve all things, he receives the triple crown of godhood, and joins that throng of Master Masons who, in their robes of Blue and Gold, are seeking to dispel the darkness of night with the triple light of the Masonic Lodge.
p. 92 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

The "evolution" "guided by the 'gods' or discarnate superintendents" of a man to "godhood" is a process of "transmutation." The human body is a "glove" in the making for a "demonic hand," Masonically (see Schnoebelen's quote).

Yet, not all Masons belonging to Mazzini's Machine have evidently participated in the "true work of the craft."

-- A Double Lodge / One Machine --


A Mason ...
He is evolved through ages of self-
p. 71
purification and spiritual transmutation. There are thousands of Masons who are brethren in name only, for their failure to exemplify the ideals of their Craft makes them unresponsive to the teachings and purpose of Freemasonry.
p. 72 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Note that the focus, again, is on the doctrine of evolution. The fundamental teaching of evolution has represented a scheme to "de-Christianize the masses", undermining young people's moral fiber, making them more amenable to the corruptions of mystery religion traditions and drugs, and conditioning them psychologically for other evolutionary concepts such as for the "career as a risen Mason."

Contrasting the view that Masonry represents a mere social organization with that of its real purpose, Hall writes,

The Masonic order is not a mere social organization, but is composed of all those who have banded themselves together to learn and apply the principles of mysticism and the occult rites.
p. 19 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

Speaking of the "Brethren in name only" Wilmshurst comments,

... not merely persons who fail to satisfy conventional qualifications, but also those who, whilst fitted in these respects, are as yet either so intellectually or spiritually unprogressed as to be incapable of benefiting from Initiation in its true sense although passing formally through Initiation rites.
p. 6 The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmshurst
Ensconced within the lodge, they may feel that they have deceived the Grand Master of the Universe, but when the spiritual lodge meets to carry on the true work of the Craft, they are disqualified and absent.
p. 43 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976

The "true work of the craft," or the "great work," which begins with a person in the human form but which ends with the rising on the "physical plane" of a disincarnate entity, is also the "great work" in a historically associated "craft."

... the magician ... must first reach his own center of being, the Light within each person where humankind becomes "God." This is the true meaning behind the phrase "the Great Work." Perfecting the Great Work may take a lifetime or many lifetimes to achieve.
p. 21 The Ancient & Shining Ones:

World Myth, Magic & Religion, D.J. Conway, 1993

The occult magician's "great work" is that of Masonry. The "Great Work" of transmuting human beings into "gods," so-called, is the work of incarnating Luciferian disincarnate entities "on the physical plane" by means of taking over, step by step, the brains or minds of human beings. The "great work" is expanding as the New Age movement gains momentum. The Machine of Weishaupt, Mazzini, Pike, and their successors has proved to conceal a sinister "great work," by means of a machine within a machine.

-- Machine within a Machine --


The "inner machinery" of the "Great Work" program has engaged in recruiting a New Age Army.

Thus, the adepts were recruiting the Sons of Light, who were to form the Army of the Elect. These were instructed to remain in readiness until "the day be with us." The inner machinery of this program was too subtle to be captured in the pages of prosaic history. Only the consequences appeared as "effects deprived of their cause." As the philosophic program unfolded, the adepts revealed themselves as Princes of the Invisible Empire.
p. 7 Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, by Manly P. Hall, 1949, 1976

The "adepts" who are illuminated, permeated by Lucifer consciousness, have revealed themselves as the "Princes of the Invisible Empire," disincarnate "gods" who have taken over the minds and bodies of persons in the "quest."

A legitimate question arises, if the Lucifer-associated spirit beings Incarnate themselves by means of participating human bodies by "permeating" the "mind-brain" of those pursuing spiritistic "illumination," then have they not been incarnating themselves in that way, or "re" - "incarnating" themselves in a host of humans down through history in the mystery religions of Egypt, Babylon and succeeding nations which gave new names to old gods ?

The "incarnating" of such entities throughout history has not taken place only since the days of Albert Pike or Adam Weishaupt. It has been repeating itself since the time of the Pharaohs of Egypt, and implicates Nimrod at the Tower of Babel in Babylon noted as a principal seat of mystery religion .

The body of information about Egyptian pyramid initiation and subsequent associated rites indicates that Lucifer-associated spirits have been "incarnating" through the bodies of the initiates of ancient mystery religion for centuries, and thus the issue is not simply "incarnation," but a repeated process, a process of "re-incarnation." A New Age spirit guide makes a reference to such a repeated incarnation on the physical plane through a human host.

{Spirit Guide automatic writing quote included:}

... that those entering the bodies of willing American adults have begun using the term "Walk-in" only within the past few years.
p. 46


"Many of them will not need to spend lifetime after lifetime going from one body to another, because if they are successful in one or more such cycles they will be able to go and come as the exalted ones."
p. 47 Strangers Among Us:

Enlightened Beings from A World to Come,

Ruth Montgomery,1979

If one accepts the doctrine of reincarnation, that a person passes from one life to another through death and appears as another person, animal, insect or plant, it is easy to become a victim of believing that one was another person in a "previous life." "Tuning in" to spirit induced impressions of a "past life" can render a person vulnerable to the "impressions" produced by a discarnate spirit looking for a victim. It is, therefore, not strange to hear of persons declaring or asserting that they are a "reincarnation" of someone in the past.

Masonry has not been the only avenue for the "incarnation" or "re-incarnation" of spirits which the Bible refers to as demons or rebellious and wicked spirit creatures. In fact, the Bible refers to a widespread incarnation of rebellious spirits before the Noahcian Flood, spirit creatures which joined forces with Lucifer, or Satan. That "quest" by demon spirits of taking on fleshly form was resumed after the Flood under the auspices of mystery religion.

The "incarnation" of the demon gods on what is termed the "physical plane" embodies the essence of mystery religion. Spirits which impersonate or transform themselves into angels of light, spirits which impersonate notable figures of human of history, of apparent virtue or otherwise, present a real danger. Guidance by such beings in religious, political and social affairs has been the substance of secret societies.

A new wave of spiritism emerged in America in the 1960's, facilitated by mind-altering drugs. The "Age of Aquarius" movement gained a public foothold, an astrologically oriented movement embracing channeling of "spirit guides" and psychic powers. The "partial" opening of the "psychic eye" is becoming more common place through the mass marketing of the New Age movement. "Psychic powers" are viewed as a path to "godhood." Yet what does the gradual opening of the "psychic eye" represent if not an increasing hybridization of a human being by means of contact with "Lucifer consciousness." Lucifer is the god of Freemasonry, and is the cornerstone of the New Age movement. He is the Anti-Christ who is bent on thus spiritistically corrupting ever human on earth, bent on re-incarnating discarnate Luciferian spirits into human bodies.

Jesus Christ stated,

"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul ?."
Mark 8: 36, NKJV.

It is evident from the body of testimony by high-ranking leaders and members of Freemasonry that:

Freemasonry comprises a formidable Luciferian Machine operating an inner machinery externalizing the Luciferian Hierarchy in the bodies of initiate membership, while operating an outer machinery externalizing the "Plan" of the Luciferian Hierarchy to politically, religiously, socially and philosophically establish the framework for an occult "New Age," a "Golden Age" in which New Age Luciferian spirits plan to co-opt the body humanity.

It is further evident from testimony and other evidence presented in this and previous chapters that:

Freemasonry is implicated in Treason by operating an organization "binding" members to conceal murder and treason, for operating an organization whose members act in concert in a subversive political machine designed for externalizing principles and agents alien and inimical to and subversive of the U.S. Constitution, and by operating a political machine whose functions include subversion of Constitutional process. Freemasonry is further therein implicated in treason through complicity in a political machine destructive of Constitutional sovereignty, operating conjunctively with agents of foreign nations to usurp America's Constitutional sovereignty and operating collectively with the press in concealing and participating in active efforts to usurp America's Constitutional sovereignty.

-- Indictments  --


Pursuant to the Principles of Indictment enunciated by the King, Jesus Christ, with whom is the authority to act as Judge in heaven and on earth, the following Indictments are warranted and rendered as subject to the prerogatives of that Court, as expressed in the Bible books of Daniel and the Revelation, such as expressed against corruption evidenced by the Pharisees.
operating an Unconstitutional Authority behind the scenes
swearing to conceal murder and treason
and binding obedience therewith
in conjunction with a Supreme Council
for whom or which 33º Freemasons
swear their highest allegiance,
and swearing to a body of oaths
incorporating and swearing to retributions no less than brutal murder
for violation of the secrecy of criminal and Constitutionally subversive oaths
a Duplicitous Evil Empire
Operating in Contravention to U.S. Constitutional Principles,
Mazzini's Masonic Machine
an Instrument of
Pike's Palladian Priesthood
and for
Operating a de facto state religious authority/organization
in contravention of the U.S. Constitution
by adopting and perpetrating
nationally subversive
mystery religion agenda
behind the scenes
as clandestine policy

Furthermore, the corrupt force of Freemasonry operating behind the scenes has manifestly represented a certified criminal force with a sinister agenda which together with the major media is implicated in subverting the U.S. Constitution and in presenting a platform for "smiling faces" and "pious fraud{s}".
The press in America represents a preponderant force having the demonstrated capacity to manipulate public opinion, "taking in hand the public," and which at the highest levels is implicated by David Rockefeller in a treasonous work of subverting America's national sovereignty.
The First Amendment was not intended to empower the press to be free to collude in treason to bring about the destruction of America's sovereignty.  It was not empowered to contravene it's function as watchman to preserve Constitutional process, not empowered to collude in treason domestically to overturn America's sovereignty nor to act as an agency of foreign organizations to overturn America's sovereignty.

In view of the evidence, testimony, and body of information available, it becomes necessary to submit the following indictments including that of the Major Media operating on American soil.
for treason
in working in collusion to overthrow the Sovereignty
of the United States of America
and colluding to replace it
with the "supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers."
an instrument of Mazzini's Masonic Machine
and for
serving as a platform for
"smiling faces" and "pious fraud{s}"
in a conjunctive effort to perpetrate political, ethical and moral fraud
upon the American people.
Bill Clinton
for his role in the DeMolay Masonic Order for youth,
for contributing to leading impressionable youth on a path of Freemasonry,
a path of oaths and obligations  which
"cannot possibly be reconciled to the laws of morality"
a path of corruption
which binds men to conceal crimes of murder and treason,
in an organization certified to be
a "political evil" a  "pecuniary evil" and a "moral evil"
supporting youth on a path
which ultimately divorces them
from fundamental principles of the Bill of Rights
and which espouses them
to tolerance and cover-up of evil,
and for
sponsoring a Governor's School inviting young people
 into an elitist world view
embodying the rejection of traditional moral standards
33rd degree Masons
for swearing their highest allegiance to a secret body
which presides over an organization in contravention
of U.S. Constitutional precepts and authority
and for
consummating said allegiance ceremonially
by drinking wine out of a human skull
It is evident from the body of testimony by high-ranking leaders and members of Freemasonry that the following indictments are warranted.
as a formidable Luciferian Machine
for operating an inner machinery externalizing the Luciferian Hierarchy
in the bodies of initiate membership,
for operating an outer machinery externalizing the "Plan"
of the Luciferian Hierarchy
to politically, religiously, socially and philosophically establish a Golden Age"
in which New Age Luciferian spirits
co-opt the body humanity.
for Treason
for operating an organization
 "binding" members to conceal murder and treason,
for operating an organization
whose members act in concert in a subversive political machine
designed for externalizing principles and agents
alien and inimical to and subversive of
the U.S. Constitution
for operating a political machine
whose functions include subversion of Constitutional process
and for operating a political machine destructive of Constitutional sovereignty, and operating conjunctively with foreign agents
to usurp America's Constitutional sovereignty
and for operating collectively with the press
in concealing and participating in active efforts
to usurp America's Constitutional sovereignty.

The Bilderberger, intellectual elite's prominent spokesman stated in 1991 on foreign soil, in a nation which gave birth to the Order of the Illuminati,

 "We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."
"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."
As quoted on p.13 from: Operation Vampire Killer 2000, Published by:
Police Against The New World Order, 1992

As corporations consolidate, merge, take-over other corporations, "trim down" staff, and implement New Age training programs, the reigns of economic power become more and more concentrated in the hands not just of a "few", but in the hands of a philosophical "elite," a "New Age" elite.  Abraham Lincoln's warnings of an emerging oligarchical concentration of power through corporations has acquired preponderantly more diabolical aspects.  Jointly, the framework is established to empower "world bankers" to take political considerations hostage to their agenda, as the "global economy" and Wall Street fortunes and American pensions are jointly linked to the disposition of bank "interventions" on foreign soil.

When in 1988 CNN media mogul Ted Turner called for a "New Age President," it must be acknowledged in view of all the implications that America is threatened from within from media and other  "conspiratorial" forces beyond that of a human nature.  The incarnation of Luciferian, "goat god" spirits through human agents facilitated by various forms of New Age "possession" identifies the real "core" of the "elite" in the New Age / Masonic conspiracy which are intent to subvert due constitutional process with "undue influences" and with corporate "green backed" votes, and to destroy America's Constitutional sovereignty.

The corrupting force, politically, morally, socially, religiously and spiritistically through Freemasonry is Luciferian, occult.  The proliferation of witchcraft and associated New Age occult interests in American society has been greatly enhanced through an elitist establishment which Dan Quayle referred to.  The issues extend beyond those of traditional family values and relationships.

The Weishauptian and Alta Vendita agenda to 'corrupt the masses' has evidently found enthusiastic support through what has been controversially dubbed the "intellecutal elite" in Hollywood.  A New Age encompassing agenda has been pursued by both entertainment and journalistic compartments of the "liberal" media.

America's Mainstage, Mainframe Media has performed incredibly and astonishingly effectively in concealing from public gaze a litany of New Age agenda and Constitutionally subversive Bilderberger style United Nations agenda embodiments crafted as U.S. legislation.  Much of that agenda has been and continues to be proposed under the auspices of the Clinton administration and associated "party."
While at the posting of this chapter on the World Wide Internet, America's president is embroiled in controversy which has potentials of costing him the presidency, New Age Al Gore's best opportunity for securing the White House could follow Bill Clinton's leaving office before the natural end of his term.  However, do not think that there is "no prevailing authority" in the New Age movement.  Don't be deceived for a minute.

The next chapter considers some of the nefarious weapons which New Age adepts have been promoting in the public domain.  The methods include NLP, of which Al Gore has been a student by a very  advanced instructor, as you will learn in the following chapter.

The Masonic agenda has been re-packaged in "Trojan Horses" to enter within and conquer.
What are some of the threats to and by the Masonic and New Age "Warriors"
In which ways are New Age adepts themselves targeted by the New Age agenda ?

Why have there been government cover-ups of the "dark arts of espionage" perpetuated in secret societies and repackaged to co-opt segments of the public ?